Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fake Believe

I live in a world where we all pretend.
I say she's my friend...
but she's not.
She chose to walk away.
Another says that my friendship means so much to her and that she's so glad to have me in her life.
but she never calls or meets for coffee.
Years ago my life was a mess, in shambles and shattered...and yes, I was sad, yes,I tried to reach out...
but no one followed through.
They all wished me well or patted me on the back.
They meant well.
I believed them for a time but they never returned.
........they were all fake believe!
Today I ran into a friend of mine who I had not seen since just after my husband left our home.
He told me that he had never forgotten that day that he walked away.
Being such a good friend for so long after high school and then walked away in the midst of adult crisis....
and forever regretted it.
Today he apologised for walking away.
It made me cry.
For a few moments I was transported back to that day when he walked away from someone who needed a friend.
For so long, friends just appeared to be fake believe....
Time goes by and so much of life just seems to disappear...
It's all make believe.
Fake believe.
Some days I will listen to people and smile...knowing that their talk is cheap.
Fake believe..
I used to believe....
in friends,
in authentic relationship,
But time takes over,
and so does distance,
and fleeting words and feelings just disappear as vapour.
I used to play make believe.....
but now live surrounded by those who play
"Fake -Believe"