Monday, December 10, 2007

Time for Me!

For the first time in a long time I feel finished!

Today I finished all of my Christmas Shopping, ran the errands , delivered some errands, mailed all of my mail, cleaned my house, did the laundry, wrapped everything that needed wrapping and now...I am free to make cards and Gingerbread goodies.

Tonight is for cards, I love making cards. I never give cards.....or rarely give cards. I usually make them for other people to give because they say I'm so artistic....

Tomorrow I bake all day. I'll wear my apron as I do all the time in my kitchen, (I'm quite famous amongst my co workers for wearing an apron, I don't think any have come to my house and not seen me in it. ) It's like a good comfy pair of Pj's for lounging around the house , really.

It's funny when people ring my doorbell and there I appear in my apron, while smells waft out of my house....These poor men probably wishing to taste my wares because their wives never pack them a lunch filled with thoughtfulness.

I love my apron and dreamed many daydreams of being married and staying home with babies around my feet. tugging at my apron, leaving little fingerprints of chocolate, dirt, and slobber.

My husband would run home to me at the end of his day and see all the hard work of my day, wiped free of my hands on my apron, and kiss me for the lunch I made him that morning....

I know....sounds too good to be true right?....well, I'm a big believer in what you say is what you get!

Today I have wrapped myself in my of scrapbook cuttings and glue, glitter and all that sticks to you in a winter's world of Static Cling!